My advice to Web Developers
Hi everyone, A small advice to web developers. Right you are newbie to web development. Generally, web development comprises of both Front end and Back end. Front end is simply “What you see !!”. Back end is simply “What is happening behind your screen”. My advice is to start learning back end first. Because back end is very important and logical. Now a day’s front end becomes simpler. Lot of tools are existed to create front end for any website within fraction of second. I will explain you with an example. Consider one of the famous tools called “Sketch2Code” by Microsoft. As name said it will create HTML code for your webpages by just uploading your sketches. That’s the beauty of AI. So, start your web career from back end to become master. Back end has numerous tech stacks. Just choose one stack and follow up by learning and practicing. Now a days Python (Django framework) has more power and importance in market. In my point of view the best will be MySQL (Database) + Python (Connectivity) + Django (Framework). And do practice regularly, since web is like an ocean. No one can reach the end, and no one can able to remember everything. So do practice it will automatically upgrade you as a Full stack web developer.
I created a new repository in my GitHub (Ratheshprabakar) called as HTML-Basics to help beginners. You will become master if you follow two C’s (Consistency and Collaboration). So, start doing this, and contributing to my repository. Thanks in advance.
Repository Link :
With regards,
Rathesh Prabakar
Blogger, Developer, Writer, Open Source contributor
A Growing Engineer